Protect yourself!
I'm so late again. Sorry. My excuse is I was nearly a whole week in Frankfurt where I worked for the book fair. It was pretty cool.
Before I travelled there I made two covers for friends and a little person brooch.
One is an iphone case and the other is a hard drive cover.
First onto the mobile phone cover: I used my vintage fabrics for this, corduroy and cotton and lots of cute little add-ons.
front side
and back side
And here's the second cover I made, this time for a male friend which isn't that easy for me. I'm used to work with flower fabrics and cute lace but you can't do that to a man. So I decided to try something else.
There's a bunny attached to the cover so he can protect the hard drive with his strength.
Back side
And a short peak inside.
Did everything arrive safely?
Please tell me!