Let's call it an animal purse

Hello everybody. After a long time of stagnation I wanted to upload some additional items I made. This blog was silent for such a long time. I wonder if anybody is still reading it. Well I hope so!

 This is a little animal purse I made some time ago:

 With opening the zipper you open its mouth, haha. I thought it would be cute. Making it was a little complicated because I partly had to work with very little pieces of vintage fabric but in the end it came out as I hoped it would.

 There's a stamp on the back saying where it is from. I wanna craft a new one soon. More detailed and smaller. Let's see when I find the time for that.

Which animal was on my mind when I made the purse ... I really wonder now.

This is the only purse I made in this style yet. 
I sell it for 10 €. 


2 Responses so far.

  1. That's really sweet! I love how the zipper looks like a tail! :D

  2. Franzi says:

    Hehe, you're right. Didn't realize it before but it really does look like its tail.

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