Button hair pins and a wonderful festival

Some time ago some dear friends and I had a little sales booth at a famous festival in my city.
We had some difficulties in the beginning because we improvised quite a lot and the weather wasn't on our side for some time. But in the end it was a lot of fun being there with the others.
And my first time selling my handmade goods somewhere. I was really exited whether anybody whould buy anything. Haha.

I could sell some things which made me so so happy. It's so great when people like the things you make with your own hands, isn't it? It's mainly the feeling of this why I do it.
I noticed that people like to buy small things like hair pins at those festivals. I made 13 or 14 and there were only 5 left.
In the group picture the hair pins are on the left side.

Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of all of them before but anyways these are the ones that I still have:

To make them I covered buttons with fabric and embroidered them with pearls. In the back I attached the pin and covered everything up with felt. The flower pin is made with felt and pearls.


2 Responses so far.

  1. Le says:

    Die Pins sind ja wirklich sehr süß, vor allem das in rosa <3

    Ich finde was du machst übrigens sehr mutig. Ich mache auch gern Sachen selbst (Schmuck, Haarschleifen und sowas), aber das mache ich eher für mich selber. Ich glaube ich hätte irgendwie nicht genug Selbstvertrauen um die Sachen auch zu verkaufen. :) Also Daumen hoch!

  2. Franzi says:

    Danke! Ich war lange Zeit zu unsicher, um meine handgemachten Sachen zu verkaufen, aber meine Freunde haben mich ermutigt es zu versuchen und jetzt macht es mir viel Spaß.
    Als ich anfing Kleidung zu nähen, hab ich mich immer so gefreut, wenn etwas die Waschmaschine unbeschadet überlebt hatte, aber mittlerweile weiß ich, wie die Nähte robust und sauber genäht werden können und mach mir da keine Sorgen mehr!

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